Worship Ministry

The Music & Worship Ministry at Field Street strives to provide people opportunities for leadership in the corporate worship of God, personal spiritual development, supportive relationships, music education, community outreach, mission trips and events, and entry-level involvement in the church. We are fortunate to have multiple sizes and types of musical ensembles, and the goal of our staff is to be excellent in all things and to do all things for the glory of God.


Follow us on Instagram, and Facebook to stay current, and please contact us if you have any questions.

Would you like to serve in our Worship Ministry?

Serve with us

Scroll down for more ways to engage with our Worship Ministry. 


An important aspect of our music ministry of is our choir. Choir meets on Wednesdays at 7:00pm for rehearsal for the upcoming Sunday or special programs we are doing. We have our Adult Worship Choir, Senior Adult Choir (Joyful Sound), Youth Choir, and Children's Choir. We would love for you to join.

Praise Band

Our Praise Band is one of the ways we blend our 11:00 worship service. We love that we have many talented church members who are willing to share their gifts in bringing praises unto God. We have Praise Band practice at 8:00pm on Wednesday nights. Contact us if you are interested.

Sunday Morning Media Team

Our media team is what keeps things up and running on Sunday mornings. We have many areas in which you can serve on our media team. Please contact us if you are interested.

Meet Our Staff

